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April 2020

EKU Regional Campuses Offer Student and Community Aid During COVID-19 Crisis

Left: Terry Gray, Right: Ramona Davis

Eastern Kentucky University’s regional campuses are offering student and community aid during the COVID-19 pandemic by donating medical supplies and utilizing their partnership with the Eastern Kentucky Concentrated Employment Program (EKCEP) and Teleworks USA to help combat unemployment.

EKU Regional Campuses Support Students in Transition to Remote Learning

Left: Katelin Smith Crawford, an EKU future teacher in the Corbin CAPT Elementar

Remote learning is not new to EKU’s regional students. Often, it is the regional campuses where remote learning has been perfected by both students and faculty.

When students, faculty, and staff were informed that the 2020 spring semester would need to be finished using remote learning and teaching practices due to the COVID-19 pandemic, E-Presence usage was top of mind.

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